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Reiki with Mantras ~ My gift to you with love.

Writer: soniaasrawellnesssoniaasrawellness

Reiki with Mantras. ( Saying mantras is optional)

Reiki is a Japanese stress reduction and relaxation technique that can promote the body's natural ability to heal and be in balance and harmony.

To channel Reiki, you need to receive a Reiki Attunement from a Reiki Teacher. However, I have found that we all have an inner ability to heal through love and prayers. When we place our hands on ourselves or anyone else with a positive and earnest desire to help, energy flows, and we feel comfort, peace, and harmony. I encourage you to use the following process and if you enjoy it, connect with me or any other trained and qualified Reiki Teacher to take a Reiki Class. In my experience, Reiki is one of the most gentle yet powerful energy healing modalities for self-care! I suggest you do Self-Reiki for at least 21 consecuent days before working on others.


When channeling Reiki to someone, whenever possible, get their permission. If you cannot get permission for any reason, set the intention that if the person is unwilling to accept healing, Reiki energy is received by someone else in need. Intend and ask that the healing goes to the person at the time he/she is resting. The receiver can relax on a straight-backed chair or lie on a massage table.

For Self-Reiki, you may choose to lie down on your back or sit on a comfortable chair

Hand positions – place hands on each position for about 3 minutes

Rub hands together for a few seconds.

Place them on your lap, palms facing up.

To activate the energy flow, focus on your palms and say, “Reiki please flow please flow please flow”. Wait for a minute or so, gently focusing your palms. You may notice certain sensations in your palms such as tingling, warmth, and pressure. Don’t worry if you don’t feel any sensations. Reiki starts flowing as soon as you ask for it, it just may take a while for you to develop sensitivity and to feel it. Whether you feel any sensations or not, trust that energy is flowing.

Next, say a prayer such as “I thank Reiki for being here, I thank myself for being here, I thank _______ for being here.  (If you are channeling reiki to yourself, say your name if you are channeling it for someone else add the name of that person).”

Now take 3-5 slow, deep, and mindful breaths. As you inhale imagine/visualize beautiful bright healing light coming from the universe/source, in through the top of your head (your crown) into your heart, as you exhale feel Reiki flowing from your heart into your arms and then the palms of your hands.

Place your cupped palms on the following positions and stay at each hand position for about 3 minutes (or longer if you feel like it), then move to the next position. If your hands/arms/shoulders feel tired of holding certain positions, rest your hand on your lap for a few moments, still focusing on your breath. It helps to focus on your breath and the palms of your hands throughout the session.

While channeling reiki focus on your breath, moving from crown to heart to hands. Remember, you are a clear channel/conduit for reiki. The universal healing energy is flowing through you. So, Trust & Allow.

Hand Positions:

1.     Forehead front and back “I follow my inner guidance.”

2.     Eyes “I see clearly now.”

3.     Ears “I hear clearly now.”

4.     Throat & Neck “I speak my truth.”

5.     Shoulders “I let go of all burdens.”

6.     Thymus & Heart “I am love.”

7.     Hands on the ribs below the breastbones “I let go of all bitterness.”

8.     Hands on both sides of belly button “I am powerful.”

9.     Hands on both sides of the pelvis “I love all my relationships.”

10.  Knees (front and back) “I let go of all fears.”

11.  Let energy flow from knees to feet “I move forward with ease,”

12.  Kidneys “I let go of all toxins”

13.  Tail bone “I am grounded and safe.”

14.  If you have any areas of challenge, you can place your hands there too. If you cannot reach a position, place your hand to the nearest position you can comfortably reach.

At the end say “I thank reiki for its loving healing energy. “I am healed and healthy now” or (the name of the person who receives reiki) “_____ is healing and healthy now. Thank you”.

If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to send me an email.

Important: Set intention, do your part, and know that Reiki will work out for you and the person's highest good.

Hold good intentions for their highest good, but don't be invested in results, let the universe bring whatever is of the highest good.

You can do no wrong as you are not the ‘doer’. Be an open and clear channel.

Reiki will flow through you and heal you as you work on others.

If sending to others, at the end of the session, imagine a cord going from just above their belly button (Solar Plexus Chakra) to yours. Imagine cutting the cord with a scissor or a knife. Place your hand on your solar plexus and let reiki flow for a few seconds.

Treat the gift of Reiki with love and respect. While working with others, you are encouraged to receive an energy exchange for your time. This can be money, or anything they wish such as some flowers, something they cooked/or baked, or a beautiful hug of appreciation.

Self-Reiki is a powerful and beautiful way to nurture yourself.

Photo Credit: almos-bechtold-AJ_Mou1FUS8-unsplash


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